Patrick A Young Traveller Lost



1 x 50 RTÉ1 / RTÉ PLAYER

This ground-breaking documentary shines a light on the urgent and sensitive issue of the alarmingly high suicide rates among the Irish Traveller community through the harrowing, deeply personal story of 12-year-old Patrick McDonagh.

President of Ireland Michael D Higgins said of the film:

“Even though I am familiar with the issues with which the Travelling Community struggle, the personal testimonies of Patrick McDonagh’s parents, and Bernie Power moved me in a way I find difficult to describe.

It would be so valuable if all members of the public could see this film, which describes a life lost to bullying…. RTE and Alleycats Films have in my mind placed all of us in their debt in what is a splendid, valuable exercise in public service broadcasting. There are so many reasons I could think of why this film should be seen in every household, and it would be just incredibly valuable if it were seen in every school.”